Jungle Java is a coffee brand focused on being environmentally-friendly. Researcher Victoria Moore found that “Sun cultivated coffee, in concert with the necessary addition of fertilizer, creates the highest yield of coffee, but eliminates the diversity of plants which support an array of insects and animals, posing detrimental impacts to the biodiversity of the region, as well as other environmental harms.” So, ethically-grown and sourced coffee is vitally important to our global ecosystem, thus Jungle Java’s efforts need to be emphasized. Jungle Java’s branding incorporates aspects of their eco-friendly values. The website, coffee bag packaging, and menu include verbiage describing the ways in which Jungle Java is eco-friendly and why that is important. The branding is primarily shades of green, emphasizing their relationship with the environment and uses a slab serif for headers in order to stay on trend and appeal to younger coffee drinkers. The imagery used is of the outdoors or of the coffee in an organic setting in order to enhance the thought of Jungle Java being in tune with environmental issues.