Rooted: Kids in Conservation is a campaign created for the National Park Service that educates children about the threats that face the natural world, teaches them about conservation, and allows them to become involved in conservation efforts. The campaign is implemented via Instagram, a website, and a merchandise collection for kids who sign the pledge to be kid conservationists. The campaign uses primary colors and hand-drawn illustrations to relate to children, thus encouraging them to get involved in conservation. According to Natural Habitat adventurers, an ecotourism organization, “By teaching our children to be respectful of the planet, we can slow down many of these threats to the environment so that future generations can enjoy the same natural resources we often take for granted, such as clean air and water, along with the incredible wild animals that we share this world with.” The website is geared towards teaching children about conservation. The website includes an infographic that makes conservation understandable for kids. The merchandise collection allows kids to feel like they play an important role in conservation efforts and they can take pride in their actions.